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Saturday, March 30, 2013

An Effective Way to Memorize New Words

  1. Start by 10 words a day. It's better if the words come in context e.g. a sort story or article.
  2.  Underline these words and look at their meaning in the dictionary.
  3.  See the syllables of the word e.g.  interesting has four syllables:
  4. Spell the word loud-out making a short pause after each syllable, then read the whole word. Keep looking at the word and Spell it loud-out that for 10 times.
  5.   Do the pervious step without looking at the word  for 5 times. Then write it down.
  6.   If the spelling is correct, congratulations! You got it. Then go to the next word. If spelling isn't correct, go back to step #4.
  7. The next day, before you are going to the new 10 words,  you should start with the last 10 words you memorized for 5 times to each


  1. it sounds hard but useful. I bet I m gonna benifit from it. thank u so much. I like it

  2. اشكر من ساهم في نشر هذه المعلومات المفيده بالفعل ومن تجربه شخصيه في يوما ما اتبعت اقل من هذه الخطوات وكانت لها نتيجه فعاله ومن المؤكد من يتبع الخطوات المذكوره اعلاه سوف يجد نتيجه افضل والله الموفق لمن نشرها وعمل عليها واعجبت في هذه المدونه
